Safeguarding Statement

Children & Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy

All member teachers are required to hold an up-to-date enhanced DBS certificate, a first aid certificate and public liability insurance and a copy of the above certificates must be sent to the ABD Head Office; there will be no exceptions other than non-teaching or retired members…failure to do this will result in your membership being suspended. If suspected abuse takes place in an ABD’s member school/academy, then in the first instance the principal/or their own safeguarding and/or well-being officer should be approached first to investigate the allegation and fully documenting the case. If the case needs escalating and is deemed to be inappropriate then the relevant
authorities need to be contacted directly, etc.

1. The ABD and all its members are aware that children under 18 and vulnerable persons of any age can be involved in their activities and that they have a responsibility, within the limits of their control and jurisdiction, to protect and safeguard the welfare of every such child and vulnerable person.

2. It is the policy of the ABD that all children and vulnerable persons have the right to
protection from abuse. All members who are in contact with such children and
vulnerable persons are expected to be familiar and to apply the procedures on:

a) Employment
b) Data protection, especially in regard to children
c) Procedures at ABD events, competitions and courses
d) Procedures for examiners
e) Photography and video recording
The ABD will ensure that the following procedures are in place so that any allegation(s) or complaints of abuse are taken seriously and investigated.

3. Any complaint or incident to be reported under this policy only applies to events or activities organised or facilitated by ABD Ltd – any incident should be reported in the first instance to the person in charge of the event or activity indicating that an abuse of a child or vulnerable person’s welfare may have taken place. If the person in charge is the person against whom the complaint is being made, the matter should be referred to the ABD Compliance officer Mrs Leigh Ann James or if the complaint is about her, to the relevant President (Theatre or Ballroom) of the ABD.

Safeguarding – Good Practice Guidelines
The following are common sense examples of how to create a positive culture and climate:

• Always work in an open environment (e.g. avoid unobserved situations and encourage open communications with no secrets)
• Treat all children equally and with respect and dignity
• Always put the welfare of each child first
• Avoid spending time alone with children away from others save in essential one to one situations when extreme care should be exercised

Practices never to be sanctioned:
• Allowing or engaging in horseplay, physical or sexually provocative games
• Allowing or engaging in any form of inappropriate touching
• Making sexually suggestive comments to a child or young person, even in fun
• Reducing a child to tears as a form of control
• Failing to act on and record any allegations made by a child
If any accident or potential abuse occurs during or in the context of an ABD activity, it should be immediately reported to the person in charge of the event or the Compliance Office Mrs Leigh Ann James.

ABD teachers/members will be responsible for the duty of care as regards their individual school/students/organisation whilst attending any ABD event. It is recommended that additional chaperones are made available if larger numbers are in attendance…these can include but not limited to Scholarship days, Festivals, Congress, workshops, online training and on-site examination sessions.
Please note: All complaints/observations

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